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Hyperstart® Taq

Hyperstart® Taq

  • Item number:E09
  • Overview
  • experimental

Hyperstart Taq is an aptamer-modified hot-start DNA polymerse. The polymerase activity is blocked at ambient temperature and restored after the initial activation step. This product can inhibit the non-specific reaction caused by the non-specific annealing of primers or primer aggregates during PCR system preparation and amplification. It is suitable for the amplification of extremely low concentration templates, and can obtain higher product amount and more stable amplification results.

Reagent Composition

1. 5 U/μL Hyperstart Taq

2. 10×PCR Buffer II (Mg2+ free) (optional)

3. 25mM MgCl2 (optional)


1. Modified by aptamer, and reversible hot start above 60℃.

2. Dynamically modified during PCR process, with high  sensitivity and specificity.

3. It can be stored stably at 2~8℃.


1.  End-Point PCR and quantitative PCR.

2. Multiplex PCR, genotyping test and  high sensitivity detection of viral nucleic acid.

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