The whole blood releaser contains denaturant components, which can effectively lyse and destroy the structure of viruses and cells, precipitate PCR inhibitors in the blood, and quickly release nucleic acids. It is suitable for rapid lysis and release of nucleic acids from whole blood samples. There is no heating, no extraction or purification in the whole process. It is a one-step simple and fast operation. After the whole blood sample is mixed with the releaser and released instantly, it can be directly loaded as a template for qPCR detection, ready to use.
Product features:
1. Pre-treatment of biological samples, such as swabs, anticoagulated whole blood, feces, etc., swab loading ratio ≤20%, anticoagulated whole blood loading ratio ≤20%, fecal liquid loading ratio ≤20%.
2. High efficiency and time saving, one-step lysis and binding, instant release, no heating and no centrifugation during the processing.
Recommended applications:
1. Detection of human and animal-related DNA/RNA viruses;
2. Rapid amplification, POCT application scenarios.
1. 同类产品对比测试(抗凝人全血)
全血样本处理:取20 μL全血与60 μL释放剂于EP管中,缓慢吹打15-20次,避免产生气泡,混匀后直接加样进行免提取核酸扩增检测。
2. 假病毒样本处理效果测试
假病毒样本处理:取30 μL RBCS病毒(梯度浓度)与30 μL释放剂于Ep管中,缓慢吹打15-20次,避免产生气泡,混匀后直接加样进行免提取核酸扩增检测,同时以1×TE Buffer处理为对照。
3. 粪便样本处理效果测试
粪便样本处理:取0.2 g粪便样本加入到1 mL TE Buffer中,充分混匀液化;瞬时离心后取上清,得到20%粪便样本,经无菌水稀释后得到 2%粪便样本;将2%粪便溶液与释放剂等体积充分混合,同时以无菌水处理作为对照;采用以上处理样本稀释人基因组,获得浓度为 0.0125 ng/μL的人基因组模板;然后按20%加样量直接加入反应体系进行扩增。
4. 加速稳定性验证
测试方法:将核酸释放剂混匀,分为两份,分别放于-20℃和37℃,于第30天取出。取20μL全血与60μL释放剂于Ep管中,缓慢吹打15-20次, 避免产气泡,混匀后直接加样进行免提取核酸扩增检测。
全血样本处理:取20 μL全血与60 μL释放剂于Ep管中,缓慢吹打15-20次,避免产生气泡,混匀后直接加样进行免提取核酸扩增检测。
2×Fast Direct Premix-UNG(Probe qPCR)
2. 快速直扩RNA类qPCR试剂:
2×Fast Direct RT Premix-UNG(Probe qRT-PCR)
3. 直扩DNA类qPCR试剂:
2×SensiDirect Premix-UNG(Probe qPCR)
4. 直扩RNA类qPCR试剂:
2×SensiDirect RT Premix-UNG(Probe qRT-PCR)
Addr.: #333, Pingbei First Road, Nanping Industrial Park, Zhuhai, China 519000